Published on May 19, 2021
Hey there!
We're back to give you an update on what's new on the site! The first issue of Marvel's Immortal Hulk: Time of Monsters featuring one of our artists, Juan Ferreyra, is out in stores TODAY! The original pages by Juan are going live for sale on our site this morning at 11AM eastern time.

If you're interested in finding out about new art as soon as it's added, consider following us on Instagram. We've also been running giveaways over there, so that's something you don't want to miss out on either! As always, see below for some awesome new stuff and a full list with links at the bottom of the page.

Juan Ferreyra - Immoratal Hulk: Time of Monsters #1 Page 9

Jorge Jimenez - Batman #108 Page 20

Bruno Redondo - Suicide Squad #10 Cover

Marcio Abreu - Venom vs. Spider-Man Commission
New art
Juan Ferreyra - Immortal Hulk: Time of Monsters #1 (going live at 11AM eastern)
Jorge Jimenez - Batman #108
Bruno Redondo - Various Suicide Squad covers
Marcio Abreu - Commission samples